Know some unknown information about computer and information technology, it will be useful


Today we will know about computer and information technology.
Computer and Information Technology
1. The first appearance of microprocessor
How much does it take?
Answer: In 1971,
2. What is the name of the first digital computer?
Answer: Mark -1
3. Which is the fastest computer?
Answer: Super computer
4. DOEL Laptop Manufacturer
What is the name of the organization?
Answer: Tasis
5. What is the number of bits in 1 byte?
Answer: 8
6. Computer system in one megabyte?
Answer: - 1024 x 1024 bytes
7. What is a computer port?
Answer: - A type of point or connection face.
8. How many pins are there in serial port?
Answer: - 9.
9. What is BIOS?
Answer: - Basic Input Output System
10. Where is the BIOS of computer?
Answer: - At ROM.
11. Laptop market in Bangladesh
When does it come
Answer: - On October 11, 2011.
12. Who is the name of the virus?
Answer: - Friedrich Cohen
13. Who is called the Mother of All Virus?
Answer: - CIH Virus
14. Who creates CIH virus?
Answer: Taiwan's Chen-Ing-Hau

15. The oldest operating system
Which one?
Answer: - UNIX
16. Android operating system
In the first used?
Witness: In 2008, in October 2008.
17. First Wireless Communication
Through how much of the contact is established?
Witness: In 1901,
18. What is a computer
Answer: - An accounting machine.
19. Who is the father of modern computer?
Answer: - Charles Bose.
20. Two main parts of the computer system
Answer: - Hardware and software
21. What is the computer program written in the machine language?
Answer: - The destination program.
22. What is the main paragone?
Answer: - A fifth level computer.
23. How many parts of the computer hardware?
Answer: - 5
24 Modern computer started
how many
Witness: In 1950
25. What is the world's first electrical computer?
Answer: - Aynak
26. First time to use the computer
Had been
Answer: - Vacuum tube
27. How to express the pitch?
Answer: - in the millimeter fraction
28.Harddisc is called?
Answer: - Storage device.
29 What is the work of compiler?
Answer: The program is written in the computer language
30. What is the basic?
Answer: Computer programming

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