Facebook's AI researchers explained 'the biggest misconceptions' about artificial intelligence


In this era, a person who does not have access to the digital media, but has not seen a movie about artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence (AI), where the robots face mankind's challenge.

All the robots for "2001: A Space Odyssey" movie "HAL" or "Ex-Machina" for the movie "AVA" have shown happiness, sorrow, anger-emotional human feelings

So, in the near future, what is going to happen in the future, where there will be the state of intelligent robots?

But Facebook's artificial intelligence researcher's team leader Yann LeCun said that human-like passion of future robots is a big misconception. Let's know more about this.

Wrong concept # 1 - Sophisticated robot will have feelings
In the present world, robots are built on the idea of ​​artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), which can only do certain things like geometry slabs, stock market calculations, etc. According to Ian Lekun, "AIs will be specialised and uninterrupted". That is, the way we look at the movie, artificial intelligence will not be as dangerous.

Wrong concept # 2 - The feeling of robots will be created from within themselves
Robots will only experience feelings when they are programmed. They do not have the power to do anything other than specific work listings. And like the movie, feelings of anger, love, etc. will never be programmed because they will hinder the work.

Misconception # 3 - The feeling of robot will be human-like
According to Ian Lekun, the robot program will be directed to show human emotions, but it will never be like the real human feeling. Ai There will never be a destructive feeling in the group if we program it. "I do not think anyone will do it" - said Mr. Lekun.

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