Know that laptop battery backup is an easy way to get more!

laptop  bettary

In this era of age, we do not know how much money we make on mobile, we have to return to the computer or the laptop at work time. Laptop or notebook is the most preferred choice for purchasing computers as easily portable. An additional advantage of the laptop is to run the battery with the laptop in hours. There is no load sheddinga! Do not stop emergency work on computer. But if your laptop's battery backup is low, then you will not be able to enjoy these benefits.

So in today's post we will know how to increase the backup of the laptop's battery. So let's know some simple rules.

Reduce Screen Brightness:
A large portion of the battery or other battery-powered devices such as mobile, tablet, etc. are used on their screen. You can reduce the power consumption of the laptop by keeping the laptop screen or monitor bright. As a result, the low cost of the screen when running on the battery will cost less. Keeping the screen brightness 50% will increase battery backup. Brightness and bring down 25%, there is no word!

Stop unused features:
Turn off the laptop's wifi, bluetooth, and graphics card when you do not need it. There are separate buttons / shortcuts to stop WiFi and Bluetooth on different laptops. Besides, when you do not need a dedicated graphics card in high-performance laptops, you can temporarily disable the GPU. In this case, common tasks such as writing in MS Word, internet browsing, etc. can be continued without any problems. Because then PC uses its processor's built-in graphics chip.

Stop unnecessary apps:
In the previous days when PCs had 2 GB RAM, much of the software could not be run together - because computers were slow. But now 4GB or more RAM is being used because we do not work, but we can launch different apps. Applications like different browser windows, writing software, screenshot taking apps, media players, photoshop etc. are often minimized, which also occupy silent RAM, battery costs. So please refrain from continuing unnecessary and unused software to save your device's battery.

Turn on Power Saving Mood:
When you need to keep your laptop charging high, turn on the power saver mode directly. The company / operating system laptop that you run, there must be a power saving / management option. So your job will be to just know the exact procedure. Then you get the maximum time battery backup as per the power of the laptop.

Use SSD Storage:
SSD storage works faster than normal hard disks and costs less electricity. Instead of using the SDD storage instead of laptop's hard drive, you can increase its performance and battery backup.

Buy a laptop capable of giving more battery backup:
No matter how many tips / tricks you follow, if your laptop's battery has a low capacity, then there is no profit if you expect a longer backup from it. So if you need a lot of battery backup, then buy a laptop that has a high powered battery. A laptop can be ASUS ZenBook UX430UA or Asus Janet FlipS laptop, which can provide battery backup for 9 to 11 hours. They will be bought in Bangladesh.

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