You have blocked by someone on Facebook! It is possible to understand it.

If someone blocks you on Facebook you can not see the person's profile and on Facebook. At the same time, he can not tag or post a message to that person. He can not be invited to an event. In a word, the person will be out of your reach on Facebook.

Any Facebook user can block any other user. But it does not feel like that feeling at the block itself. There is no specific way to know if someone blocks you on Facebook. But following the procedure below is possible to understand whether someone blocked you on Facebook.

Search Profiles:
If you block someone, then the name of the person will not be able to find results on Facebook. This can happen if a person blocks you. But the person can deactivate his profile, but the person's profile will not be visible in the search. But there are other ways to know about blocking.

View mutual friend friend list:
If you have a friend who has blocked you on Facebook, then you have a friend who has a mutual friend, open that friend friend's friend list. Type the name in the search bar. If this person does not find that person, then the person can block you.

Open Old Chat:
Open that chat with a person before chatting on Facebook. If you do not see any profile picture in the chat and do not have the option to click on the profile then it can block you.

Open another account with a third person account:
If you have deactivated your Facebook profile in all the above steps, then it may be the same. However, to find out if a person has blocked you, you need to search the person's Facebook profile from a third person's Facebook account. If he only blocks you, then you can see his profile if you search from the profile of the third person. If that's the case, he can be sure that he has blocked you.

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